Little Black Dress Fundraiser
- What is the Little Black Dress (LBD) Fundraiser?
- Originally started by the Junior League of London, the LBD Fundraiser is a poverty awareness campaign that challenges participants to wear 1 black dress for 5 days in a row to help raise funds to fight against poverty.
- Every dollar donated benefits women and teens via the JLEP’s signature projects – Career Closet and Teen Closet.
- Why host an LBD Fundraiser?
- Through this effort, JLEP is given a unique opportunity to raise awareness about the limits poverty can play on choices of expression and opportunities for employment.
- By leveraging the iconic ‘Little Black Dress’ and participants’ social media channels, JLEP will be able to shine a spotlight on the issues surrounding poverty, while seeking to raise funds for Teen Closet and Career Closet to improve the lives of Union County residents in need.
- How can you help?
- $50 – provides a new top and pants
- $25 – provides a new pair of shoes
- $10 – provides essential accessories
- $5 – provides toiletries
- Global Poverty Facts
- 767 million people or 10.7% of the population live in extreme poverty with less than $1.90 per day.
- 2.1 billion people live on less than $3.10 per day.
- 328 million children are living in extreme poverty.
- At least 17 million children suffer from severe acute undernutrition around the world. Severe acute malnutrition is the direct cause of death for 1 million children every year.
- Every single day, 1,000 children under 5 die from illnesses like diarrhea, dysentery, and cholera caused by contaminated water and inadequate sanitation.
- Source: (Stats 1-3 World Bank, 4-5 UNICEF).
- Union County Poverty Facts
- 10.9% is the percentage of individuals below the poverty line in Union County (source:
- Plainfield NJ has a poverty rate of 23% (source:
- Elizabeth NJ residents with income below the poverty level is 29.5% compared to 14.3% for the entire state of NJ*.
- Elizabeth NJ residents with an income below 50% of the poverty level is 8.2% compared to 5% for the entire state of NJ*.
- 22.1% of disabled females in Elizabeth NJ deal with the poverty rate*.